Mitglieder von Frankie Goes to Hollywood gründen neue Band



Paul Rutherford (ex FGTH)

Ryan Molloy

Peter Gill (ex FGTH)

Gerard O’Toole (ex FGTH)

Forbidden Hollywood is not FGTH and FGTH is not Forbidden Hollywood it`s a new band formed in March 2007 by some of the former members of Frankie Goes To Hollywood.
Frankie Goes To Hollywood was one of the most successful bands of the mid eighties and enjoyed much success however all things came to end and in 1987 Holly Johnson left the band to pursue a solo career.

Many years passed.In 2004 FGTH were asked to reform and perform a concert for the Prince’s Trust to celebrate Trevor Horn’s 25 years in music.
Everyone agreed to the reform except for Holly and Nasher. Holly refused to do the show and on top he let the band know that he did not want them to perform either. The rest of the band decided to go ahead (against Holly’s wishes) and perform but there was one slight problem;they had to find a new singer to do so. They auditioned many singers and eventually found Ryan Molloy, a former stage musical singer who fitted just perfect into the new line up.
The Prince’s Trust show was a success and Ryan’s voice sounded great singing the old Frankie classics. The band decided to continue with Ryan as the new singer of FGTH and started to book FGTH shows for the summer of 2005.
Early in 2005 the band found out that Holly was trying to register the name "FrankieGoes To Hollywood" as his trademark. They immediately xobjected. Many months have passed (its now 2007) and the trademark dispute has still not been resolved.
In the meantime after the successful shows of 2005 the band were starting to struggle, the long distances some of the band were having to travel just to perform a single show and the stress of the trademark dispute was starting to take its toll and in March 2007 they decided to cease performing as Frankie Goes To Hollywood regardless of Holly obtaining the trademark or not.

Forbidden Hollywood is a new band formed in March 2007 by some of the former members of Frankie Goes To Hollywood, it is not Frankie Goes To Hollywood nor is it trying to be Frankie Goes To Hollywood.

This summer Forbidden Hollywood will play their first shows performing their new songs along side some of the old FGTH classics (re worked and extended)

For all upcoming shows and new released material the name of the band is: Forbidden Hollywood

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